Qubee WiMAX Prepay | Prepaid
Get a Pre Pay package today and recharge at your own pace to experience QUBEE internet.
You can choose your recharge volume with great flexibility and ease with recharge cards of BDT 50, 100, 300 and 500. Pre Pay recharge cards are available at all QUBEE stores, Branded retail and general stores near you. You can also migrate to other packages any time.
Download Speeds up to 1Mbps
150 MB 3 days 50TK
350 MB 7 days 100TK
1.20 GB 30 days 300 TK
2.00 GB 30 days 500Tk
You can choose your recharge volume with great flexibility and ease with recharge cards of BDT 50, 100, 300 and 500. Pre Pay recharge cards are available at all QUBEE stores, Branded retail and general stores near you. You can also migrate to other packages any time.
Download Speeds up to 1Mbps
150 MB 3 days 50TK
350 MB 7 days 100TK
1.20 GB 30 days 300 TK
2.00 GB 30 days 500Tk
Qubee WiMAX Postpaid | Monthly Packages
Experience true broadband with QUBEE
From now on, Monthly Package connections start with minimum 1 Mbps speed limit. Choose your monthly allocated volume and enjoy true wireless broadband.
- You would stay connected even after the allocated volume is over, with a compromised speed of 128 Kbps
- There would be no additional charge on extra usage at compromised speed for the remaining days in the billing cycle
- Regular speed can be restored by migrating to a higher package or purchasing additional volume
Download Speeds up to 1Mbps
2GB 500Tk
4GB 750Tk
8GB 1000Tk
12GB 1,250Tk
30GB 1,500Tk
SKY 45GB 2,500Tk
SKY PLUS 60GB 3,500Tk
Download Speeds up to 2Mbps
8GB 1,500Tk
12GB 2,000Tk
20GB 2,500Tk
30GB 3,500Tk
SKY 50GB 5,000Tk
SKY PLUS 60GB 6,000Tk
Download Speeds up to 4Mbps
20GB 5,000Tk
SKY 55GB 10,000Tk
Additional Volume
Restore your compromised speed and use keep using it even after allocated volume is over. Simply buy any of the below additional volume for your monthly package. Package speed can be restored by purchasing additional volume or migrating to a higher package. Additional volume can only be used after surpassing allocated volume/FUP limit, only during the billing month of purchase
400MB 50Tk
1GB 100Tk
2.5GB 250Tk
6GB 500Tk
12GB 1,000Tk
Email : qubee@qubee.com.bd
OLD Packages>
Qubee WiMAX Prepay /Prepaid
Packages : Speed : Tk 700 :Tk400 :Tk100
Pacer : 1Mbps : 2.5 GB : 1.25GB : 250MB
Spinnner : 512Kbps : 3.75 GB : 1.88 GB : 375MB
Sixer : 256Kbps : 4GB : 2 GB : 400MB
*Tk. 700 card recharge gives you 30 day validity.
*Tk. 400 card recharge gives you 30 day validity.
*Tk. 100 card recharge gives you 7 days validity
Qubee WiMAX Postpaid (Price Including VAT)
Monthly Mini Pack
Speed: 256 Kbps, Volume: 3 GB. Price: Tk 500
Speed 512 Kbps Volume: 2GB 500Tk
New Sky Plan 256Kbps -FUP 25GB - 1000Tk
Speed ---------- 4GB* ----- 8GB* -------- 16GB*------- Sky **
512 Kbps - BDT 750 - BDT 1000 - BDT 1200 - BDT 1,500 **( Sky FUP- 30GB)
1Mbps - BDT 1,000 - BDT 1,250 - BDT 1500 - BDT 2,500 **( Sky FUP-35 GB)
2Mbps - BDT 1,500 - BDT 2,000 - BDT 2,500 - BDT 5,000**( Sky FUP- 40GB)
Sky Plus Plans
Speed -Monthly Fee-Fair Use Policy(FUP)
512 Kbps - BDT 2,500 ( Sky FUP- 45 GB)
1Mbps -BDT 3,500 (Sky FUP-50 GB)
2Mbps - BDT 6,000 ( Sky FUP- 55 GB)
4Mbps - 50GB BDT 10,000
Sky Fair Use Policy(FUP) for Sky Packages : 512Kbps 30GB,1Mbps 35GB, 2Mbps 40GB. After Using 30GB/35GB/40GB, Your Speed will be 128kbps till remaining days of month (bill cycle's last day)
Sky Plus Fair Use Policy(FUP) for Sky Packages : 512Kbps 45GB,1Mbps 50GB, 2Mbps 55GB. After Using 45GB/50GB/55GB, Your Speed will be 128kbps till remaining days of month (bill cycle's last day)
tag: Qubee WiMAX Internet Packages, Qubee PrePaid Internet Packages, Qubee PostPaid Internet Packages, Qubee PrePaid and PostPaid Internet Packages